Whenever I put the doormats outside so that I can sweep the floor, it's a mere matter of seconds before one of the dogs comes along and lies on them. If you think Franck is looking a bit peaky, it's probably because he's missing his Auntie Pat. he loves his Auntie Pat because he can never do much wrong in her eyes -she doesn't seem to mind if he jumps up at her and has even been willing to put up with his over-excited greeting peeing on her when he was a puppy. However, Auntie Pat is now in Scotland and has been there for weeks. She tells us it's cold and horrid there but really we know it's like the tropics. She also claims that she'd gone back to do all sorts of important things but we all know that really she's just gone back for a giant, weeks long game of bingo with all her buddies. Poor Franck.
A picture for baby
15 years ago