Friday, April 3, 2009


Well-here is progress so far. Being a dithery kind of a person, I'm a bit late off the mark planting seeds and stuff. I also haven't got a clue what I'm doing to be honest since as far as I'm concerned, vegetables come from Tesco's. So here are the potatoes chitting-or chatting as I like to think of it-in the attic. they certianly look pretty sociable. I'm told that there are far too many of them here. I think I was thinking that each potato would just get bigger once in the ground. it had not occurred to me that, if all goes according to plan, each potato will produce a whole potato plant. here also are the first of my outdoor seeds-being carrots and peas. the rest are indoors. it's a bit haphazard since i have to translate the french on the seed packets. one of them seemed to have a philisophical sort of joke on it about the importance of manure. Also here is a picture of last night's flan which i was pleased with-quiches are pretentious-and the cat, who fell asleep on m's wellies. My own wellies are only 18months old and have developed a leak. very annoying. Just for a change, i actually weighed out the ingredients for the flan's pastry and realised that i've gotten in the habit of being a bit mean-minded with the fat which does make things a bit less palatable. it was also great to be able to use the food processor which I've bought 2nd hand for the pastry since I couldn't get all the bits of garden out from under my fingernails for quite a while.

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I've lived with my partner in Normandy, France, for about four years now. There's lots I love about our lives here-including our beautiful surroundings-but I also miss my wonderful children and grandchildren who are back in the UK. I trained as a hypnotherapist originally in the UK and am now registered for this in France, I also like making (and hopefully selling) some jewellery.